Tea Blogs

Anushthatri Sharma
These Cold Brews be Your New Hot!

These Cold Brews be Your New Hot!

Cool, fresh flavored tea with your favorite brand is simple to make from scratch and you can serve it to guests or drink it all yourself! Iced tea is perhaps the perfect, most refreshing, and hydrating beverage for summers. You can easily make it with ingredients readily available in your home. There are several health benefits of tea and iced tea apart from cooling you down during the summer heat. How to Brew the Perfect Iced Tea Here, we will guide you exactly how you can make ice tea by brewing the perfect iced tea for yourself and your loved...

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Anushthatri Sharma
The Jewel in the Crown of Esah's Tea Treasures: Pabhojan Gold Tea

The Jewel in the Crown of Esah's Tea Treasures: Pabhojan Gold Tea

India's love affair with chai is long-standing and well-known. We cannot imagine starting our day in any other way than with a cup of chai. This comforting brew has many regional varieties and versions which are produced across the country and even the world. Recently, one such rare tea variety from Assam, called Pabhojan Gold Tea, has been sold for a record price of Rs. 1Lakh per Kg. 

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"On opening the package, you can experience the fresh smell of Assam Black Tea "- Ashita Agrawal

"On opening the package, you can experience the fresh smell of Assam Black Tea "- Ashita Agrawal

English Breakfast Tea is a black tea made with blending different tea leaves. It is usually consumed along with milk or with a slice of lemon in the liquor. This tea blend boasts a numerous health benefits, thanks to high concentration of nutrients and minerals. These nutrients include antioxidants such as tannins, catechins, and polyphenols as well as minerals including potassium and manganese. These chemical components can help support strong bones and heart health.English breakfast tea is also a great source of energy since it is a caffeinated tea. Like other black teas, this black tea contains between 30 and...

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BLUE TEA | Our Collection

BLUE TEA | Our Collection

What is Blue Tea? Blue tea (Aprajita) comes from the vibrant blue Clitoria Ternatea butterfly pea plant.  Butterfly Pea Blue Tea, Asian PigeonWings, and Blue Pea are other terms for it. It is somewhat oxidised during the production process to give it its distinctive taste, and is frequently confused with Oolong tea, which is a hybrid between black and green tea. When you add ingredients like lemon juice to blue tea, it turns bright red or fuchsia pink. Basically, Blue Tea is a caffeine-free herbal tea or tisane produced from a decoction or infusion of the leaves of the Clitoria...

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